About Lisa

Lisa C. Anderson, known as The Healer’s Healer, has decades of miracle-inducing experience. Her clients regularly experience incredible wins, such as manifesting large sums of money out of the blue, meeting their soul mates, healing chronic health issues, improving their self-worth, and so much more!
Her Story
Her journey began when, in her early 20s, she had an exhausting and painful issue the medical community wasn’t able to diagnose. After two and a half years, she was referred to her first energy practitioner. Within five minutes, he identified and cleared the imbalances causing the issues. With the energy flowing correctly again, her body healed and the condition was gone within 30 days. He used a system for helping the body she had never encountered before, clearing the stuck emotion that caused the medical issue.
Her results were so fabulous, and she was so intrigued, she embarked on this journey to learn everything she could about energy healing to improve her life and get happy. She has trained extensively in many modalities, including Advanced Spiritual Response Therapy, Emotion Code, Body Code, Matrix Reimprinting, Usui Reiki III, Angelic Mediumship, Master Angel Practitioner and more. Lisa’s direct connection to the Divine also gives her access to numerous higher vibrational tools and resources.
Lisa has the unique ability to create a safe and comfortable sacred space. Lisa’s gentle and effective approach allows for fast, instantaneous shifts in a judgement-free zone.
She has enjoyed the challenges her clients have brought for clearing and the teaching from Spirit. She now uses her knowledge and God-given gifts to help others achieve life-changing results, too. It brings her the most joy in the world to see others happy and thriving and going for the life of their dreams!
Lisa knows that positive results are available to everyone and her deepest desire is seeing you succeed!